"Live in the Moment." ———— Me
Personal info: I am Zihang, who is born in the northern part of China 25 years ago. An Industrial/UX/UI designer, soccer fan, cat person.
Major: Regarding my major, these works on this website are what I have learned over the years. Since I was in elementary school, I have loved to draw something military stuff like tanks, planes, and guns. etc., whether it is in class or after class, so I am often punished by the teacher for this. At last, I studied a major in art and design at my undergraduate university, which is also an extension of my hobby.
In daily life, I like to observe the design defects of some items and reflect on their irrationality, which has also helped me a lot in studying industrial design. The book "The design is everyday things", which is written by Donald Norman is my favorite, it regulates the considerations of industrial design.
After I earned my B.A. degree, I learned a lot of design software to build cool models, but I think that the crucial part of a designer is thinking. Designers who can only play with the software but do not think can only be called "tool people". Besides, design is a subject that needs to expand the horizon and constantly jump out of the inherent thinking, so I think it is very helpful to come here to think outside the box and experience different cultures. That is why I chose design thinking as my graduate major at Syracuse University. During my time studying here, software skills are secondary. Professors taught us how to think about design problems from different perspectives and research methods to assist in good design.
Interest: Sketch is No.1. And I am also a crazy Arsenal FC fan. I watch almost every game of the club on time. Another advantage of studying in the US is that I do not have to stay up late to watch the game because of the time zone. 
Education: MFA. Syracuse University 2018 ~ 2020.
                    BA. Dalian Polytechnic University(China)  2014 ~ 2018.
Shot in Monterey | 2019. 03.
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